Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Easy Listening

You're sick of all your music. You can't bear to hear the top 10 on the radio again. You have heard enough bad news on talk radio, and you just can't do daytime TV.
Don't despair, you are not out of workshop-entertainment options.

Discover podcasts -- the perfect companion to the lone artist/crafter. There is no better way to pass your studio time than listening to an engaging, educational, inspirational, and informative podcast.

I discovered a couple great ones a while back and now look forward to going to my studio to listen and learn while I work. I have heard interviews with well-respected metalsmiths, and listened to inspiring conversations with folks living creative and artful lives. I've learned what goes on behind the scenes of my favorite blogs and websites, and I've been schooled time and again in the business of art.

The topics are endless, the benefits are boundless.

You can play most podcasts online or subscribe to a podcast via a feed or on iTunes.

My two favorite are Craftcast and Craftsanity , but the choices are vast.
Here's a very short list of a few more crafty podcasts:
Indie Quarter
Hello Craft
Craft Borg

Happy listening!

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